Monday 14 October 2013

Let's Play!

If you are a Care Manager, OT or other Social Care professional you may have recommended or prescribed some assistive technology, but have you actually played with it?!

During one lively session a team did just that. We talked about some of the barriers to technology, the challenges in assessing people’s needs and understanding what the technology did, and then they had a play!

They were able to handle the equipment, some of which was live, to see what things were, what they did and how they felt. “So that’s what it looks like!”

Trying an infra red thermometer
They were very interested in comparing pieces of equipment from different suppliers and comments included “why have I been ordering that one when the other one is so much better?”
Comparing enuresis sheets
I prepared activity and information sheets to help people learn more about the features and usage of the equipment, and people shared their stories, concerns and asked lots of interesting (and sometimes challenging) questions!

Information and activity sheets to accompany the equipment
 “A really useful session”

“Makes a change from sitting still and listening!”

“Nice to have a bit of fun while you’re learning”

Please contact me if you would like Telecare / assistive technology training or a ‘play session’ for your staff.

Alternatively, I am providing a half day training session via Sitra and a 2 day training course via the Housing & Support Alliance. Please click on the links to see further details and booking information.

(Thanks to everyone who allowed me to use photos of them!)

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